Master in Education Abbreviation

The Master in Education (M.Ed.) degree helps learn more about specific teaching approaches and concepts, curriculum development, and effective practices.


Updated on June 8, 2020

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 The Master in Education abbreviation is M. Ed. The Master of Education (M.Ed.) is a post-graduate degree earned by students who have already received or completed an undergraduate bachelor’s degree. A master’s program in education is designed specifically for students who aim to work with teachers and administrators at educational institutions, such as schools and colleges. An M.Ed. is generally preferred by graduates already employed in education or who desire to go further into the academic world.

The Standard Abbreviation for a Master’s Degree

The standard abbreviation for a master’s degree is M.A., M.S., or M.B.A, depending on the subject field of study and the university awarding the degree. For example, an M.S. in engineering is generally awarded by universities with graduate engineering programs, and it stands for “Master of Science. “

What Does an M.Ed. Degree Entail?

A Master of Education (M.Ed.) teaches students to design curricula that help students of all ages learn. Many M.Ed programs cover the theory and application of teaching methods, educational assessment, and classroom management techniques. Master’s degrees typically take about two years to complete (although some schools offer a 1-year accelerated program for students with a relevant bachelor’s degree).The degree programs typically consist of thesis or non-thesis options. The thesis option will require students to complete an original research project and defend the findings through an oral examination. In contrast, the non-thesis plan requires students to complete coursework and perform fieldwork for observation.

The Master in Education Abbreviation

The Master in Education (M.Ed.) is a graduate degree that allows students to further their career in education, receiving training on how to teach children and young adults effectively. Education is typically not abbreviated with M.Ed., but it can be seen in some cases when it applies specifically to the educational field. For example, M.Ed. Programs may be referred to as M.Ed. in Instructional Technology or an M.Ed in Educational Psychology.

How to Address a Person with a Master’s in Education Degree?

Refer to someone with a Master’s degree in education as “Mr.” or “Ms.” (without the M. unless they have a Ph.D.). For example, if your teacher studied to earn an M.Ed., you call her “Ms.”You can also address graduates from this field as “Doctor” if they have a Ph.D., just as you would call an M.Ed graduate by Doctor if they have a Ph.D., even though the two are different degrees with different abbreviations. A person with an M.Ed. is usually called either a ‘master’s degree holder’ or ‘an educator’ (i.e., people often refer to someone as “John, an educator of 20 years”).

How to Use Masters in Education Abbreviation for Your Specialization?

Master in Education is a versatile specialization. If you have decided to take it up as your career option, you can use any Master in Education abbreviation for your specialization, for example, M.Ed., MEducation, MEd Special education, etc.


Master of Education is abbreviated as M.Ed when used with names, but an M.Ed degree is not typically abbreviated with a “Masters” abbreviation. If you want to abbreviate Master of Education or illustrate your specialization in Masters’ degrees, feel free to use any available abbreviation. 


Masters In Education

Masters In Education

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