Best Master’s in Education Wisconsin

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Updated on November 3, 2022

Do you share one of these attributes: you’ve explored other careers in Wisconsin and other States of the Federation, but you keep returning to working with children because you’re good at it, or you are aware of how they perceive the world and you think you can teach them in a way that’s enjoyable and interesting; if that defines you, cheers. Being a good teacher requires ongoing development and flexibility in the classroom. Enrolling in one of the Best Master’s in Education Programs in Wisconsin will help you develop your teaching profession while enhancing your abilities and knowledge to render timely assistance to high school teenagers.

In the following few segments, we will outline some of the best accredited On-campus, Hybrid, and Online Master’s in Education Programs in Wisconsin.

Hybrid and Online Master’s in Education Programs in Wisconsin 

Alverno College

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Education

Alverno College provides an MA in Education for professionals aiming to acquire the necessary experience in their field of study. Via this program, instructors will be groomed into experts and change-makers in the academic world. Some of the licensure programs in this graduate degree are:

  • Birth-3rd grade general education
  • K-9th grade general education
  • K-12th grade special cross-categorical education
  • Middle-secondary general education in social studies, mathematics, science, and language arts.

In addition, this program allows students to gain an additional license or degree in other concentration areas, like;

  • Education Alternative
  • Bilingual/bicultural education
  • English as a Second Language
  • Urban education.

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Cardinal Stritch University

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching 

Cardinal Stritch University offers an MA in Teaching to aspiring educators. Through the curriculum areas, candidates will gain practical teaching abilities crucial for career development. During this program, students will acquire practicum experience and classroom learning competencies, which would be beneficial when instructing a group of diverse young learners.

Aside from being beneficial to anyone with a bachelor’s credential, an essential part of the degree & licensure program is the enhancement of respective graduate qualifications. Some other benefits of the course include:

  • Interactive discussions and activities
  • Classroom supervision
  • Reactive teaching

Viterbo University

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission 

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Education

Viterbo University provides an MA in Education to inspire and motivate teachers to be efficient transformative agents in the modern academic arena. The major coursework intertwines the latest concepts of social justice, servant leadership, and educational equity. These coursework areas will boost the instructors’ ability to engage with all diverse communities/populations of learners and fast-changing societal demands. 

Furthermore, instructors have the chance to develop an in-depth understanding of the latest online instructional assessment and techniques while delving into a complex evaluation of new media literacies.

Carroll University

Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching 

Carroll University provides a Master of Arts in Teaching program to equip students with the knowledge and experience required to be a dextrous teacher. The program prepares learners with knowledge and expertise that qualifies students for all state teaching requirements. During this course, candidates will also learn skills for effective teaching in the classroom environment.

The institution also provides seven license options in different fields. These include;

  • Art
  • Language Arts and English 
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Spanish

Note: Carroll University also offers the following:

  • M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction.
  • M.Ed in Adult, Community, and Professional Education.

Concordia University Wisconsin

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Education -Teaching and Learning

Concordia University Wisconsin provides MS.Ed. in Teaching and Learning. The program is for licensed teachers aiming to continue their education in a custom track that integrates their interests and professional needs. Likewise, the curriculum enables educators to have the most significant possible influence in the classroom. During this course, students will delve deeply into recently created strategies; designed to aid pupils learning.

Furthermore, you will also gain a deeper comprehension of the teaching practice processes. Upon completion of this curriculum, graduates will;

  • Comprehend the main educational ideologies and how each addresses developing curriculum in greater depth.
  • Gain expertise in implementing contemporary educational instructional methods and creating applications for them in the classroom.
  • Learn about efficient teaching methods using the intellectual underpinnings of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Mount Mary University

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Education 

Mount Mary University provides an MA in Education to eligible students. The graduate program helps practitioners create a meaningful future for themselves and their students in an academic environment that encourages and propels them to succeed.

On Campus Masters in Education Programs in Wisconsin 

Carthage College

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Education 

Carthage College provides an M.Ed degree to students aiming for proficiency in their careers, as well as the experience required for successful teaching. In addition, the curriculum promotes possibilities for intellectual and professional learning within the framework of a liberal arts education. Also, classes in this program help educators stay current on subject areas like special education, English language learners, curricula, management, & sports leadership in education.

Other licensure areas provided in this curriculum include;

  • Cross Categorical Special Education license
  • Reading license
  • Bilingual license
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Higher Education
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Educational Administration 

Carthage college also offers:

  • Master of Education (MED) 
  • Accelerated Certification for Teachers (ACT) 

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Marquette University

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Education in Educational Leadership 

Marquette University offers an M.Ed in Educational Leadership to eligible educators who want to earn a master’s certification or degree as principals or directors of instruction. Through this certificate program, candidates can obtain their director or principal of instruction license without having an M.Ed.

Additionally, graduate students in this master’s program are prepared/equipped to become outstanding educational leaders. The mission of the Institution is the commitment to the rigorous examination of the social, philosophical, cultural, and historical settings of education, as well as the development of professionals as agents of critical inquiry and social justice.

Online Master’s in Education Programs in Wisconsin 

Edgewood College

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Bilingual Education

Edgewood College offers an MA in Bilingual Education certificate to professionals aiming for more knowledge in this specialty area. The curriculum equips teachers for the major and rewarding task of instructing multilingual pupils in an environment where kids are studying English. In addition, the program aims to fulfill the professional aspirations of graduate students by providing program alternatives that can either build upon one another.

Lakeland University

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

Degree Offered: Master of Education 

Lakeland University offers an M.Ed for aspiring educationists. The curriculum offers valuable strategies for instructors to remain current in their field and provides them with instructional content centered on the requirements of today’s teachers, school districts, and students.

Through Lakeland University’s Center for Teacher Excellence, graduate students can finish an emphasis area that requires 18 credits. This program offers graduate-level coursework in a specific subject area to enable teachers to instruct CAPP courses.

University of Wisconsin–Superior

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission 

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Education -Instruction 

University of Wisconsin–Superior offers MSE with an emphasis on Instruction that enhances students understanding of the learning process. For licensed K-12 educators, the degree builds on entry-level knowledge while improving your teaching expertise with more robust education on the learning process (adult and child), in conjunction with ideal practices in instruction and assessment.

The major coursework in this field are:

  • Foundations of Action Research
  • Trends in Curricular & Instructional Practices
  • Latest Developments in Student Learning & their Applications
  • Using Educational Assessment to Inform Practice

Elective options in this program include:

  • Teachers as Leaders
  • Diversity Exploration in a K-12
  • School Law for Classroom Educators
  • Methods in Adaptive Instruction
  • Behavior Analysis & Intervention
  • Consultation & Collaboration in Special Education
  • Accessible and Interactive Learning in Alternative Delivery Models
  • School Partnerships with Communities and Families

University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission 

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Special Education 

University of Wisconsin–Whitewater offers MSE in Special Education that develops qualified & effective teachers, support staff, and specialists that work with outstanding learners. The program comprises two emphases: Professional Development and Cross-Categorical Licensure.

The Professional Development concentration is for individuals from various fields who seek to work with young learners with special needs. Likewise, the specialization in Cross Categorical Special Education is for practicing professionals with an undergraduate degree; but seeking initial licensure in Special Education.

A few of the coursework areas in this graduate degree comprise;

  • Education in a Pluralistic Society
  • Legal Foundations of Special Education
  • Foundations and Characteristics of CD
  • Instructional Techniques for The Inclusive Classroom
  • Educational-Diagnosis & Assessment
  • Advanced Behavior Intervention Strategies 
  • Academic Intervention
  • Professional Collaborations: Families & Community Agencies

University of Wisconsin–Stout

Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) 

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Education

University of Wisconsin–Stout offers a Master of Science in Education. The degree aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for academic development. By taking this program, instructors would gain more experience as professionals in their areas of specialization.

It is a 30-credit master’s program with 12 optional credits. The 12 optional credits enable students to choose four courses within an area of interest, combine approaches from different curriculums and obtain either a teaching license or a professional certificate.

UW-Stout’s master’s program is beneficial to:

  • Licensed teachers (either former or present) who need a Master’s program for advancement
  • Tertiary institution teachers that seek a degree that doesn’t need a K-12 certificate.
  • Professionals in other settings.


In Essence!

We have outlined some of the best Master’s in Education Programs in Wisconsin for aspiring students and currently licensed educators. With the plethora of coursework and beautiful learning outcomes of this program, we believe you will find your specialization area today.

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