Best Master’s in Education Connecticut

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Updated on November 3, 2022

Several educators find it challenging to modify lesson plans based on students’ educational needs or even fail to consider the possibility that they may need to do so; since they are unsure how to apply suitable approaches and techniques in their classrooms. Meanwhile, graduate education programs emphasize assessment and individual learning to aid instructors in becoming more flexible in their teaching practices. In addition, practitioners that forge ahead to enroll in the Best Master’s in Education Programs in Connecticut can demonstrate a high level of knowledge and dedication to the field.

Obtaining a master’s degree in education; opens doors for career advancement. Some prominent positions provided to professionals in this field include -Assistant Principal, Superintendent, Principal, Department Head, and Teacher Leader. With the knowledge acquired in graduate education programs, candidates can change curriculum objectives, modify teaching strategies, and take on leadership roles to implement the systemic changes in education they desire.

Online Masters in Education Programs in Connecticut 

Albertus Magnus College

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Education

Albertus Magnus College offers an MSc. In Education, designed to enhance the skills and knowledge required for effective and impactful teaching that enable students to specialize in a content area, either STEM or literacy. This program offers STEM and literacy concentrations, which addresses a significant gap identified by legislators, district & school administrators, and business leaders. 

The curriculum helps to improve teachers’ leadership skills and enables them to become stem and literacy leaders in the districts and schools where they teach. Likewise, students will acquire the skills necessary to teach STEM/literacy concepts effectively. In this program, candidates will display the required competencies to lead others to develop effective STEM/literacy curriculums.

Coursework areas in this program include:

  • Culture & Inter-Group Relations
  • Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom
  • Introduction to STEM
  • Technology and Assessment in STEM
  • Reading, Writing, and Special Populations in STEM
  • Leadership in STEM

Eastern Connecticut State University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Science in Special Education, Master of Science in Educational Studies 

Eastern Connecticut State University’s Special Education program is designed to enhance the teaching competencies of educators to teach K-12 students with special needs or disabilities while working with their families to provide a successful teaching experience. This course offers unique courses in intervention for children with autism, interagency collaboration, special education, arts, and many more. The curriculum promotes strategies and procedures for inclusive classroom and behavior while applying special foundational knowledge and applications in their school environment.

Eastern Connecticut state university also offers a course in Educational studies that provides educators with the essential skills and experience required to succeed in an ever-changing economic, social, and political environment. In this program, candidates are equipped with solid subject competencies and pedagogical knowledge, which addresses the certification requirements of the National Board for Professional Teaching.

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Fairfield University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Educational Technology, Master of Arts in Secondary Education 

Fairfield University offers an MA in Educational Technology that aims to empower and equip educators to reform learning while guaranteeing success for schools in this evolving digital age. This program enriches students with the skills to initiate the process of designing, implementing, and evaluating uplifting classroom experiences for diverse learners.

The curriculum seeks to improve and transform teaching via technology integration into school curricula and processes. 

Likewise, the curriculum utilizes “open educational resources,” which provide educators with practical experiences by generating digital learning materials which other educators can employ. Applicants who complete this program will graduate with ISTE Certification, a nationally recognized credential in educational technology. Coursework areas in this field include:

  • Introduction to Educational Technology
  • The Literate Environment: P-12 Literature and Reading    
  • Digital Storytelling in the Classroom    
  • Principles of Instructional Development    
  • Methods for School Library Media

Furthermore, this institution also offers an MA in Secondary Education, founded on the concepts of reflective inquiry and socially responsible professional practices. This program prepares students with the knowledge and skills needed for initial teaching licensure in the following secondary subject areas: English, math, science (biology, chemistry, physics, or general science), social studies/history, and world languages (French, German, Italian, Latin or Spanish).

Post University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Degree Offered: Master of Education 

Post University provides a Master of Education to individuals who will transform the field of education by reforming programs and practices that respond to the issues and opportunities in a fast-changing world. The program’s coursework helps build the analytical, critical thinking, and forecasting skills that lead to success in diverse educational settings, from K12 to post-secondary and other learning institutions.

During this program, students will develop a vision for the future of education through an analysis of current issues in technology and education while identifying relevant technology to integrate into classroom settings to measure learners’ performance. Furthermore, candidates will create a unique learning environment using technology in a digital portfolio. They will also select an area of concentration from the following:

  1. Curriculum and Instruction
  2.  Educational Technology
  3.  Learning Design and Technology
  4.  Online Teaching
  5. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Quinnipiac University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching -Elementary Education, Master of Science in Instructional Design 

Quinnipiac University offers an MA in Teaching-Elementary Education, which prepares educators with skills, knowledge, and perspectives to become excellent teachers. This program centers on three values: excellence in education, sensitivity to students, and a spirit of community,” which are the essence of Quinnipiac’s mission statement.

The MA in Teaching follows the teaching standards for the state of Connecticut and the standards of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). 

Likewise, its curriculum consists of core certification courses that provide eligibility for teacher certification and residency/internship experience that offers educators the opportunity to learn about teaching, students, and schools. The program equips applicants with the skills to recognize the complexity of human diversity, recognize and apply various instructional practices, and use technology to enhance teaching. A few of the coursework areas in this program include:

  • Social & Philosophical Foundations of Education
  • Diversity in the Classroom   
  • Developing Literacy in the Primary Grades   
  • Issues and Research in Education   
  • Teaching Literacy in Grades 4-6
  • Elementary School Science: Content and Pedagogy
  • Facilitating the Arts in the Elementary Classroom   

Quinnipiac university also offers an Instructional Design program that prepares educators with the skills to utilize new tools, understand new concepts and effectively implement educational material in a classroom environment. This program focuses on developing digital learning environments, including websites, simulation apps, and online courses.

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Sacred Heart University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Degree Offered: Master of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching with Initial Certification 

Sacred Heart University offers a Master of Education program to educators interested in earning a graduate degree to develop the competencies necessary to become well-rounded instructors.

Sacred Heart’s M.Ed. program consists of two endorsement areas: literacy and special education. The literacy endorsement prepares learners to develop reading plans and literacy curriculums. In contrast, the endorsement in special education equips educators with the skills to plan, implement and assess instructions for students with special needs.

Upon completion of the program, students can apply for cross-endorsement in special education or earn their  Remedial Reading and Language Arts Specialist Certification. Focus areas in this program include:

  • Developmental reading and language arts
  • Content area reading instruction
  • Advanced diagnosis and remediation
  • Literacy of the special learner
  • Legal issues and trends

Furthermore, the institution provides a Master of Arts in Teaching with Initial Certification that prepares educators with the most current teaching methods and approaches to apply knowledge learned in elementary and secondary school environments.

University of Bridgeport

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Degree Offered: Masters in Teacher Leadership 

The University of Bridgeport offers an MA in teacher leadership, designed for educators to develop creative and analytical skills, techniques, and experiences to increase learning access to diverse students by eliminating cognitive, physical, and intellectual barriers for learners. 

This program teaches educators to apply the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to design capacity-building learning experiences proactively. 

UDL focuses on designing flexible options to remove barriers to engaging learners, building goal-directed learners, and teaching important concepts. Coursework areas in this program include:

  • Social Foundations of Education
  • Contemporary Issues in Urban Education   
  • Teacher Leadership Theory and Practice   
  • Curriculum Theory   
  • Effective Learning Environment
  • Classroom-Based Assessment
  • Instructional Coaching   
  • Leading Professional Learning

University of Hartford

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)

Degree Offered: Master of Education in Special Education 

University of Hartford’s Master of Education in Special Education prepares teachers to be competent teaching professionals who are knowledgeable in a variety of disciplines and practices and highly skilled in instruction related to the needs of children with disabilities. This program aims to train exemplary, special education professionals (teachers) to provide all students with quality educational experiences.

Candidates in this course will gain insight into emotional and behavioral issues, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, educators are prepared with the best teaching practices to instruct students across the learning spectrum. In this program, there are three tracks for specialization. These are:

  • Master of Education in Special Education—Advanced Program
  • Master of Education in Special Education—Cross Endorsement Program
  • Master of Education in Special Education—Initial Certificate Program

Focus areas in the coursework include:

  • Current Issues in Special Education
  • Classroom Environment and Management
  • Collaboration and Consultation Procedures
  • Life Skills and Transition Strategies
  • The Assessment Process
  • Academic and Curricular Strategies: Reading and Writing
  • Academic and Curricular Strategies: STEM Education

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University of Saint Joseph

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Instructional Technology, Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction 

The University of Saint Joseph offers an MA in Instructional Technology, structured for educators seeking to gain advanced knowledge in technology-aided learning to create a digitally rich learning environment. This program develops critical thinkers and problem solvers concerned with the emotional, intellectual, and social issues in all educational settings.

Enrollment in this course; will enhance the abilities of teachers to apply educational principles of curriculum, instruction, and assessment; to influence positive change for students, professionals, and the learning environment. 

Likewise, students will learn how to integrate technology into learning processes and curricula to develop 21st-century skills. Coursework areas in this program include:

  • Educational Technology: Theory and Application 
  • Technology in Education 
  • Assessment for Learning 
  • Technology for Learning 
  • Critical Literacy 
  • Integrating Technology and Literacy

This institution also offers a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction to individuals seeking to enhance knowledge in academic procedures, curriculum planning, curriculum development, and technology integration. The program integrates significant concepts related to curriculum development and instructional strategies for classroom practice and leadership.

Western Connecticut State University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education 

Western Connecticut State University offers an MA in teaching in secondary school that aims to prepare secondary teachers to work in varied settings and cultural contexts. This program prepares educators to identify instructions, create interventions and advocate for diverse learners. Graduates of this course will display the ability to apply central concepts and tools of inquiry while integrating cross-disciplinary skills to develop learning processes for secondary students. 

Via this program, students will demonstrate the ability to plan, develop, and adapt services that meet the needs of diverse learners. In addition, the curriculum equips educators with the skills to create and implement a comprehensive and balanced curriculum and assess and analyze student learning. Coursework areas in this program include:

  • Contemporary Educational Issues
  • Introduction to Educational Research
  • Secondary Student Teaching
  • Educational Psychology
  • Research-Based Classroom Practice   
  • Teaching Reading in the Content Area
  • Curriculum of Secondary School
  • Urban Education

Yale University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master’s in public education management 

Yale University provides a master’s in public education management to K-12 educators who seek to improve and broaden their perspectives, to grow as leaders who make a real and lasting positive impact on students and their families. In this program, graduates will develop strong management skills necessary to utilize complex functions, including data analysis, performance measurement, organization design, technology, innovation, and human capital development.

Practitioners enrolled in this program will develop the skill to manage resources and lead teams while partnering with stakeholders for sustainable change, identifying problems, and leveraging decision-making strategies. The Master’s in Public Education Management curriculum comprises three main components:

  • Coursework(Leadership and navigation, Strategic management, Managerial analytics, and Public policy
  • Independent study capstone project
  • Colloquia/seminar(Reflection and Connection, K-12 Practitioner Perspectives, and Equity in Theory and Action)

Hybrid Master’s in Education Programs in Connecticut 

Central Connecticut State University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science in Educational Technology 

Central Connecticut State University offers an MA in Teaching that prepares educators to meet the needs of diverse learners in general education, including at-risk students and students with disabilities. The curriculum is designed for secondary and special educators to develop skills to fill gaps in classroom settings while following all state and national accreditation standards. In this program, graduates learn how to support students’ language and literacy needs, as well as gain expertise in their areas of specialization.

Specialization areas include secondary English, History/Social Studies, World Languages, Sciences, Spanish, Special Education (K-12), and Technology & Engineering Education.

The University also offers an MSc in educational technology to teachers seeking to improve their learning experience by integrating technology into their learning processes. This program focuses on the design, production, and evaluation of instruction using technology.

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Southern Connecticut State University

Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education

Degree Offered: Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Teaching -Early Childhood Education 

Southern Connecticut State University offers an MA in teaching that equips students with basic knowledge, direct field experience, and teaching strategies to improve learners’ success while staying as confident educators in any learning environment. The program combines theory with field-based teaching experiences to build positive K-12 teaching environments. In this course, there are nine concentrations areas, which are:

  • Bilingual/Elementary
  • Chemistry and Biology 7-12
  • Early Childhood
  • Earth Science 7-12
  • Elementary Education 1-6
  • English 7-12
  • Mathematics 7-12
  • Physics 7-12
  • Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education K-12

Likewise, the Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction program assists educators in strengthening their academic and pedagogical knowledge while earning a state-approved and recognized master’s degree. The institution also offers a Master of Arts in Teaching -Early Childhood Education that provides students with the knowledge they need to obtain the Connecticut Initial Educators Certificate. The program enhances students’ understanding of curriculum, teaching, educational supervision, and the skills to face challenges in the ever-changing field of education.


Wrapping Up

Even beyond watching your students flourish, one of the most apparent advantages of enrolling in the Best Master’s in Education Programs in Connecticut: is due to the high income and career advancement opportunities.

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Masters In Education

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